XmodExperts is a website dedicated to explaining and solving the punishing effects of a high experience modification. We are sympathetic to your plight and know how to help you.

We are professionals with decades of experience in dealing with all aspects of Workers' Compensation for the employer.

Our goal is to be your advocate and your trusted advisor in the fight to lower your experience modification and lower your costs starting today!



Workers' compensation insurance protects the employer from employee's who become injured or disabled during their employment.

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What is a X-Mod

What is a X-Mod

Experience modification is calculated by comparing the actual losses to the expected losses.

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Why is my X-mod going up?

Why is my X-mod going up?

Can I sell my company to escape my x-mod?

Can I sell my company to escape my x-mod?

Change in Ownership A change in ownership is material only if the owner or owners prior to the change in ownership own less than a one-half interest after the change in ownership. An ownership interest acquired by a member of the immediate family of a prior owner shall be treated the same as though the ownership interest was acquired by the prior owner.

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Can I get insurance with a high X-Mod?

Can I get insurance with a high X-Mod?

Yes! We specialize in high experience modification accounts, and have special Worker's Compensation programs designed for companies like yours!

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How long will I have this high X-MOD?

How long will I have this high X-MOD?

Normally, an experience modification is calculated based on the actual audited payroll and losses reported by the insurer for three consecutive policy years.

How can I check to see if my X-MOD is correct?

How can I check to see if my X-MOD is correct?

As much as 60% of the data used in the XMod calculations that determine an employer’s premium is incorrect.

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 Loss Runs

 Inspection Report

A description of an employer's business processes that is prepared by the WCIRB after inspecting the employer's business premises. The report assigns classifications to employees, departments, or operations for statistical reporting purposes.

 Experience Modification Worksheet

Obtaining an Experience Rating Form is the best way for a company to see the data that the WCIRB has on file. Typically, copies of this form are available by contacting your insurer or insurance professional. A policyholder may obtain a copy of its experience rating form once per year at no cost through the Experience Rating Worksheet Request.

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