What is a X-Mod

What is a X-Mod

Experience modification is calculated by comparing the actual losses to the expected losses.

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Why is my X-mod going up?

Why is my X-mod going up?

Can I sell my company to escape my x-mod?

Can I sell my company to escape my x-mod?

Change in Ownership A change in ownership is material only if the owner or owners prior to the change in ownership own less than a one-half interest after the change in ownership. An ownership interest acquired by a member of the immediate family of a prior owner shall be treated the same as though the ownership interest was acquired by the prior owner.

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Can I get insurance with a high X-Mod?

Can I get insurance with a high X-Mod?

Yes! We specialize in high experience modification accounts, and have special Worker's Compensation programs designed for companies like yours!

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How long will I have this high X-MOD?

How long will I have this high X-MOD?

Normally, an experience modification is calculated based on the actual audited payroll and losses reported by the insurer for three consecutive policy years.

How can I check to see if my X-MOD is correct?

How can I check to see if my X-MOD is correct?

As much as 60% of the data used in the XMod calculations that determine an employer’s premium is incorrect.

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